Least Helpful Error Message Ever

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XML::Parser is useful for testing XML output, mainly because it's in the standard Perl distribution and it's stable. However, I ran into a problem with it yesterday that cost me some time.

Here's some (simplified) code

$parser = new XML::Parser(Style => 'Tree');

Those who know the module well will have spotted the error already. I was faced with this error message:

not well-formed (invalid token) at line 1, column 0, byte 0 at /usr/lib/perl5/[...]/XML/Parser.pm line 187

I tried making my XML output smaller and smaller until it was just one self-closing element. Still I was getting the invalid token error.

Turned out I was calling the wrong method on the parser. A lot of Perl methods are pretty liberal about what they accept, perhaps too liberal at times. $parser->parse accepts a file handle or a string, but not a file name. My fault for not reading the documentation carefully, because it says, right at the top, $p1->parsefile('REC-xml-19980210.xml').

Perhaps not literally the least helpful error message ever. Certainly misleading for anyone unfortunate enough to run into it.

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